После выхода патча 1.0.4 многим стало интересно: сколько опыта нужно для поднятия уровня совершенства. Несколько дней назад пользователь WillNowHalt опубликовал таблицу опыта. А дргой пользователь, под ником Vomica, сделал более наглядный пример, демонстрирующий перспективы прокачки. В продолжении новости вы увидите эти таблички.
Функция «Международный доступ»: обновления и аукцион с продажей товаров за деньги
С помощью функции «Международный доступ» игроки в Diablo III могут создавать героев, пополнять список друзей, добывать предметы и использовать обычный аукцион в любом доступном регионе. Чтобы играть в другом регионе, на экране загрузки выберите Options («Настройки»), затем — вкладку Account («Учетная запись»). В графе Regions («Регионы») вы сможете выбрать необходимый вам регион.
При смене региона с помощью функции «Международный доступ» существует несколько ограничений.
«Международный доступ» и обновления
Функцией «Международный доступ» можно воспользоваться лишь в том случае, когда версия игры в другом регионе совпадает с текущей версией в вашем. Это значит, что в течение короткого промежутка времени после выхода обновления вы можете испытывать трудности при подключении к другому региону. В разных регионах обновление может выпускаться в разное время.
Важно: День установки обновления определяется регионом установщика, который вы использовали, а тем регионом, который установлен в «Международном доступе».
«Международный доступ» и аукцион с продажей товаров за деньги
Играя в другом регионе (в Америке, Европе и Азии), можно будет пользоваться лишь обычным аукционом. Аукцион с продажей товаров за деньги будет доступен лишь в вашем родном регионе. Это означает, что персонажи, находящиеся в других регионах, не смогут покупать и продавать предметы на аукционе с продажей товаров за деньги. Например, если ваш родной регион — Европа, то вы не сможете пользоваться аукционом за настоящие деньги, выбрав Америку или Азию.
Все подробности о функции «Международный доступ» вы можете узнать в разделе «Вопросы и ответы».
Помните мы говорили о коллекционном гайде Diablo III? Так вот, один из владельцев выложил фото всех достижений, аффиксов монстров и вещей. Некоторый фото плохого качества, но всё же можно прочитать.
Внимание, фото содержат серьёзные спойлеры по геймплею!
Scavenger - Pick up 10,000 gold. Spare Change - Pick up 50,000 gold. Moneybags - Pick up 100,000 gold. Scavenger - Pick up 10,000 gold. Deep Pockets - Pick up 500,000 gold. Staying Gold - Pick up 1,000,000 gold. All that Glitters - Pick up 5,000,000 gold. Spoils of War - Pick up 10,000,000 gold. The One Percent - Pick up 100,000,000 gold. Armed to the Teeth - Equip all inventory slots with items that have a minimum required level of 25 Prepared for Battle - Equip all inventory slots with items that have a minimum required level of 60 The Comfort of Strangers - Recruit the Templar, Scoundrel and Enchantress Breaking Not So Bad - Use a merchant to repair an item.
General / Conversations
The Art of Conversation - Complete the main character, follower, and artisan conversation achievements listed below. Now I've Heard Everything - Complete the main character conversation achievents listed below. Dirty Little Secrets - Complete the follower conversation achievents listed below. Talk is Cheap, Friends Are Priceless - Complete the artisan conversaion achievements listed below. For the Order - Listen to all of the Templar's conversations. To Catch of Thief - Listen to all of the Scoundrel's conversations. Secrets of the Ages- Listen to all of the Enchantress's conversations. Hassling Haedrig - Listen to all of the Blacksmith's conversations. Everybody Loves Shen - Listen to all of the Jewler's conversations. Stay Awhile and Listen- Listen to all of Deckard Cain's conversations. More than Stories- Listen to all of Leah's conversations. It's Just Us - Listen to all of Tyrael's conversations. Bewitched - Listen to all of Adria's conversations. Sales and Tales- Listen to all of the Town Merchant's conversations.
General / Exploration
A Guiding Light - Use the Templar as your Follower. Me, Myself & Eirena - Use the Enchantress as your Follower. Stolen Moments - Use the Scoundrel as your Follower. Friends with Benefits - Full equip one of your followers. Rarely There - Equip a rare (yellow) item. Legends of the Brawl - Equip a legendary (orange) item. Chestmaster 2000 - Open 2,000 chests. Born to Dye - Dye an item. Rainbow Connection - Use the following dyes. Color Coordinated - Equip your head, shoulders, torso, legs, feet and hands slots with items dyed the same color. Made It Work - Equipeyour head, shoulders, torso, legs, feet and hands slots with items dyed to all different colors. Wirt's Case Scenario - Aquire Wirt's Cowbell. Sets Appeal - Complete one of the following level 60 unique item sets. Space! I Love Space! - Buy all stash upgrades. Best Dressed - Equip a socketed item in the following slots. Socket to Me - Socket a gem in an item. Iced Out - Socket the Following gem typed. Bless You - Get the following benegits from shrines. Slice of Life - Use 50 health wells. I Got What You Need - Acquire a Templar relic, an Enchantress focus, and a Scoundrel Token. Grabe Buster - Destroy 50 tombstones. Market Research - Meet the following wandering merchants. Sword for Hire - Earn 50,000 gold from quest rewards. ????? - Meet the following ghosts. ????? - Buy each type of item from merchants. Grand Beastmaster of Sanctuary - Complete the beastiary achievements listed below. ????? - Complete the exploration achievements listed below. Grand Loremaster of Sanctuary - Complete the lore book achievements listed below.
Act I The Mad King's End - Kill the Skelleton King on Normal difficulty. The Mad King's End (Nightmare) - Kill the Skelleton King on Nightmare difficulty. The Mad King's End (Hell) - Kill the Skelleton King on Hell difficulty. The Mad King's End (Inferno) - Kill the Skilleton King on Inferno difficulty. Butchered - Kill the Butcher on Normal difficulty. Butchered (Nightmare) - Kill the Butcher on Nightmare difficulty. Butchered (Hell) - Kill the Butcher on Hell difficulty. Butchered (Inferno) - Kill the Butcher on Inferno difficulty. Carrion Farm - Complete the Carrion Farm event. Last Stand of the Ancients - Complete the Last Stand of the Ancients event. Eternal War - Complete the Eternal War event. Revenege of Gharbad - Complete the Revenge of Gharbad event. A Nice Place to Walk - Explore the following areas of New Tristram. Thurough Intvestigation - Explore the following areas of the Cathedral. Field Work- Exlore the following areas of the Fields of Misery. In the Mountains - Explore the following areas of the Highlands. There WIll Definately Be Blood - Explore the following areas of the Halls of Agony. No Stone Unturned - Explore the following dungeons of Act I. Wanderer of Tristram - Complete the Act I exploration achievements listed below. A Quick Study - Read the following People lore books in Act I. Taking Notes - Read the following Quest lore books in Act I. Historian of Tristram - Read the following Wold lore books in Act I. Beastmaster of Tristram - Read the following beastiar lore books in Act I. The Matriarch's Bones - Complete the Matriarch's Bones event. Jar of Souls - Complete the Jar of Souls event. The Last of the Horadrim - Complete all quests in Act I.
Act II The Coven Overthrown - Kill Maghda on Normal Difficulty. The Coven Overthrown (Nightmare) - Kill Maghda on Nightmare Difficulty. The Coven Overthrown (Hell) - Kill Maghda on Hell Difficulty. The Coven Overthrown (Inferno) - Kill Maghda on Inferno Difficulty. Murderer. Torturer. Monster. - Kill Zoltun Kulle Normal Difficulty. Murderer. Torturer. Monster. (Nightmare) - Kill Zoltun Kulle on Nightmare Difficulty. Murderer. Torturer. Monster. (Hell) - Kill Zoltun Kulle on Hell Difficulty. Murderer. Torturer. Monster. (Inferno) - Kill Zoltun Kulle on Inferno Difficulty The Lord of Lies - Kill Belial on Normal difficulty. The Lord of Lies (Nightmare) - Kill Belial on Nightmare difficulty. The Lord of Lies (Hell) - Kill Belial on Hell difficulty. The Lord of Lies (Inferno) - Kill Belial on Inferno difficulty. A Miner's Gold - Complete the A Miner's Gold event. Lair of the Lacuni - Complete the Lair of the Lacuni event. The Rygnar Idol - Complete the Rygnar Idol event. The Restless Sands - Complete the Restless Sands event. Gaurdian Spirits - Complete the Gaudian Spirits event. Crumbling Vault - Complete the Crumbling Vault event. Prisoners of Karnyr - Complete the Prisoners of Karnyr event. Shrine of Rakanishu - Complete the Shrine of Rakanishu event. Lost Treasure of Khan Dakab - Complete the Lost Treasure of Kahn Dakab event. The Jewel of the East - Explore the following areas of Caldeum. Just Desterts - Explore the following areas of the Stinging Winds. Unparalleled Splendor - Explore the following areas of the Dahlgur Oasis. The Bone Collector - Explore the following areas of the Desolate Sands. Nagigating the Labryinth- Explore the following areas in the Archives of Zoltun Kulle. Nooks and Crannies - Explore the following dugeons in Act II. Wanderer of Caldeum - Complete the Act II exploration achievements listed below. Judge of Character - Read the following People lore books in Act II. Eavesdropper - Read the following Quest lore books in Act II. Historian of Caldeum - Read the following World lore books in Act II. Beastmaster of Caldeum - Read the following Beastiary lore books in Act II. Wheel of Misfortune- Experiance all the possibilities of the Ancient Device in the Desolate Sands.
Act III The Ravening Beast - Kill Ghom on Normal Difficulty. The Ravening Beast (Nightmare) - Kill Ghom on Nightmare Difficulty. The Ravening Beast (Hell) - Kill Ghom on Hell Difficulty. The Ravening Beast (Inferno) - Kill Ghom on Inferno Difficulty. Making a Breakthrough - Kill Siegebreaker Assault Beast on Normal Difficulty. Making a Breakthrough (Nightmare) - Kill Siegebreaker Assault Beast on Nightmare Difficulty. Making a Breakthrough (Hell) - Kill Siegebreaker Assault Beast on Hell Difficulty. Making a Breakthrough (Inferno) - Kill Siegebreaker Assault Beast on Inferno Difficulty. A Question of Lust - Kill Cydea on Normal Difficulty. A Question of Lust (Nightmare) - Kill Cydea on Nightmare Difficulty. A Question of Lust (Hell) - Kill Cydea on Hell Difficulty. A Question of Lust (Inferno) - Kill Cydea on Inferno Difficulty. The Lord of Sin - Kill Azmodan on Normal difficulty. The Lord of Sin (Nightmare) - Kill Azmodan on Normal difficulty. The Lord of Sin (Hell) - Kill Azmodan on Hell difficulty. The Lord of Sin (Inferno) - Kill Azmodan on Inferno difficulty. A Smash Hit - Destroy Azmodan's war machines. Blood Ties - Complete the Blood Ties event. Forged in Battle- Complete the Forged in Battle event. Waiting for Reinforcements - Complete the Waiting for Reinforcements event. Triage - Complete the Triage event. Tide of Battle- Complete the Tide of Battle event. Blaze of Glory- Complete the Blaze of Glory event. Crazy Climber - Complete the Crazy Climber event. O'er the Ramparts We Watched - Explore the folowing areas on the walls of Bastion's Keep. Keep it Safe - Explore the following areas below Bastion's Keep. Slaughter Fields Five - Explore the following areas within the Fields of Slaughter. The Mouth of Hell - Explore the following areas in Arreat Crater. Oh, the Places You'll Go! - Explore the following dugeons in Act III. Wanderer of Arreat - Complete the Act II exploration achievements listed below. Beastmaster of Arreat - Complete the following Beastiary lore booksin Act III. Primary Sources - Read the following People lore books in Act III. Espionage - Read the following Quest lore books in Act III. Historian of Arreat - Read the following World lore books in Act III. The Wages of Sin - Complete all quests in Act III.
Act IV Angels' Bane - Kill Rakanoth on Normal difficulty. Angels' Bane (Nightmare) - Kill Rakanoth on Nightmare difficulty. Angels' Bane (Hell) - Kill Rakanoth on Hell difficulty. Angels' Bane (Inferno) - Kill Rakanoth on Inferno difficulty. The Prime Evil - Kill Diablo on Normal difficulty. The Prime Evil (Nightmare) - Kill Diablo on Nightmare difficulty. The Prime Evil (Hell) - Kill Diablo on Hell difficulty. The Prime Evil (Inferno) - Kill Diablo on Inferno difficulty. The Garden of Heavenly Delights - Explore the following areas in the Gardens of Hope. The Crown of Heaven - Explore the following areas of the Silver Spire. Such Great Heights - Explore the following dungeons in Act IV. Wanderer of the High Heavens - Complete the Act IV exploration achievements listed below. Know It All - Read the following People lore books in Act IV. Archival Studies - Read the following Quest lore books in Act IV. Historian of the High Heavens - Read the following World lore books in Act IV. Beastmaster of the High Heavens - Read the following Bestiary lore books in Act IV. Victory and Sacrifice - Complete all quests in Act IV.
Cooperative Bloodletting - Kill 25 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies in cooperative games. Slaugherhouse - Kill 50 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies in cooperative games. Due Decimation - Kill 100 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies in cooperative games. Massacre of the Damned - Kill 500 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies in cooperative games. The Culling of Hell - Kill 1000 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies in cooperative games. Hero of the Ages - Join a cooperative game. Gotta Catch Them All- Play cooperative games with the following classes. The Great Revival - Resurrect a player of each class in cooperative games. Life is Beautifull - Heal other players for 500,000 Life by picking up health gloves in cooperative games. Follow Me Around - Teleport to another player by clicking on his or her banner. Warriors of Sanctuary - Join a 4-player cooperative game where everyone is a different class. Heroes of Circumstance - Join a public cooperative game. Not Dead Yet - Ressurrect another player in a cooperative game. Breath of Life - Ressurrect other players 25 times in cooperative games. Savior of the Fallen - Ressurrect other players 50 times in cooperative games.
Act I Cooperative (Complete in Coop games) Butchered - Kill the Butcher on Normal difficulty. Butchered (Nightmare) - Kill the Butcher on Nightmare difficulty. Butchered (Hell) - Kill the Butcher on Hell difficulty. Butchered (Inferno) - Kill the Butcher on Inferno difficulty. Carrion Farm - Complete the Carrion Farm event. Last Stand of the Ancients - Complete the Last Stand of the Ancients event. Eternal War - Complete the Eternal War event. Revenege of Gharbad - Complete the Revenge of Gharbad event.
Act II Cooperative (Complete in Coop games) The Lord of Lies - Kill Belial on Normal difficulty. The Lord of Lies (Nightmare) - Kill Belial on Nightmare difficulty. The Lord of Lies (Hell) - Kill Belial on Hell difficulty. The Lord of Lies (Inferno) - Kill Belial on Inferno difficulty. A Miner's Gold - Complete the A Miner's Gold event. Lair of the Lacuni - Complete the Lair of the Lacuni event. The Rygnar Idol - Complete the Rygnar Idol event. The Restless Sands - Complete the Restless Sands event. Gaurdian Spirits - Complete the Gaudian Spirits event. Crumbling Vault - Complete the Crumbling Vault event. Prisoners of Karnyr - Complete the Prisoners of Karnyr event. Shrine of Rakanishu - Complete the Shrine of Rakanishu event. Lost Treasure of Khan Dakab - Complete the Lost Treasure of Kahn Dakab event
Act III Cooperative (Complete in Coop Games) The Lord of Sin - Kill Azmodan on Normal difficulty. The Lord of Sin (Nightmare) - Kill Azmodan on Normal difficulty. The Lord of Sin (Hell) - Kill Azmodan on Hell difficulty. The Lord of Sin (Inferno) - Kill Azmodan on Inferno difficulty. A Smash Hit - Destroy Azmodan's war machines. Blood Ties - Complete the Blood Ties event. Forged in Battle- Complete the Forged in Battle event. Waiting for Reinforcements - Complete the Waiting for Reinforcements event. Triage - Complete the Triage event. Tide of Battle- Complete the Tide of Battle event. Blaze of Glory- Complete the Blaze of Glory event. Crazy Climber - Complete the Crazy Climber event.
Act IV Cooperative (Complete in Coop games) The Prime Evil - Kill Diablo on Normal difficulty. The Prime Evil (Nightmare) - Kill Diablo on Nightmare difficulty. The Prime Evil (Hell) - Kill Diablo on Hell difficulty. The Prime Evil (Inferno) - Kill Diablo on Inferno difficulty.
Hardcore Level 10 (Hardcore) - Reach level 10 in Hardcore mode. Level 20 (Hardcore) - Reach level 20 in Hardcore mode. Level 30 (Hardcore) - Reach level 30 in Hardcore mode. Level 40 (Hardcore) - Reach level 40 in Hardcore mode. Level 50 (Hardcore) - Reach level 50 in Hardcore mode. Level 60 (Hardcore) - Reach level 60 in Hardcore mode. Trophy Hunting - Kill each type of Rare enemy in Hardcore mode. We Are the Champions - Kill each type of champion in Hardcore mode.
Act I Hardcore Third Time's the Charm - Kill the Skeleton King in Hardcore mode. Dead Meat (Hardcore) - Kill the Butcher on Normal difficulty in Hardcore mode. Dead Meat (Hardcore Nightmare) - Kill the Butcher on Nightmare difficulty in Hardcore mode. Dead Meat (Hardcore Hell) - Kill the Butcher on Hell difficulty in Hardcore mode. Dead Meat (Inferno) - Kill the Butcher on Inferno Difficutly in Hardcore Mode.
Act II Hardcore The Witch is Dead - Kill Maghda in Hardcore mode. Kulle Story, Bro - Kill Zoltun Kulle in Hardcore mode. No More Lies (Hardcore) - Kill Belial on Normal difficulty in Hardcore mode. No More Lies (Hardcore Nightmare) - Kill Belial on Nightmare difficulty in Hardcore mode. No More Lies (Hardcore Hell) - Kill Belial on Hell difficulty in Hardcore mode. No More Lies (Hardcore Inferno) - Kill Belial on Inferno difficultu in Hardcore mode.
Act III Hardcore Insatiable Appetites - Kill Ghom in Hardcore mode. Aggravated Assault - Kill the Siegebreaker Assault Beast in Hardcore mode. Lust, Caution - Kill Cydaea in Hardcore mode. He Thought He Was So Clever (Hardcore)- Kill Azmodan on Normal difficulty in Hardcore mode. He Thought He Was So Clever (Hardcore Nightmare) - Kill Azmodan on Nightmare difficulty in Hardcore mode. He Thought He Was So Clever (Hardcore Hell) - Kill Azmodan on Hell difficulty in Hardcore mode. He Thought He Was So Clever (Hardcore Inferno) - Kill Azmodan on Inferno difficulty in Inferno mode.
Act IV Hardcore Getting your Hope Up - Kill Rakanoth in Hardcore mode. Reign of Terror (Hardcore) - Kill Diablo on Normal difficulty in Hardcoremode. Reign of Terror (Hardcore Nightmare) - Kill Diablo on Nightmare difficulty in Hardcore mode. Reign of Terror (Hardcore Hell) - Kill Diablo on Hell difficulty in Hardcore mode. Reign of Terror (Hardcore Inferno) - Kill Diablo on Inferno difficulty in Hardcore mode.
Classes Level 10 - Reach level 10. Level 20 - Reach level 20. Level 30 - Reach level 30. Level 40 - Reach level 40. Level 50 - Reach level 50. Level 60 - Reach level 60. Two There Are - Reach level 60 with 2 characters. Warriors of a Broken World - Reach level 60 with 5 characters. Heralds of the New Dawn - Reach level 60 with 10 Characters. Class Warfare - Reach level 60 with 2 different classes. From Arreat to Xiansai - Reach level 60 with 5 different classes.
Barbarian To the Victor Go the Spoils - Complete Act IV with a Barbarian on Normal difficulty. A Dream of Victory - Complete Act IV with a Barbarian on Nightmare difficulty. From the Mouth of Hell- Complete Act IV with a Barbarian on Hell difficulty. Bul-Kathos Reborn - Complete Act IV with a Barbarian on Inferno difficulty. Warriors of the North - Reach level 60 with 2 Barbarians. Bask in My Glory - Use a skill that grants a benegcial effect to yoru follower. Might Vengeance - Equip a might belt and a might weapon and the same time. Controlled Fury - Fight with maximum Fury for 5 Minutes. An Imenetravle Defense - Black 5 Attacks in row. Blowin' in the Wind - Break 2,000 objects with Whirlwind. Death from Afar - Kill one of the following enemies with a thrown weapon. Bloodbath - Keep a monster under the Bleed effect continuously for 20 seconds.
Demon Hunter I Am Vengeance - Complete Act IV with a Demon Hunter on Normal difficulty. Dreamless Sleep - Complete Act IV with a Demon Hunter on Nightmare difficulty. Hell Hath No Furry - Complete Act IV with a Demon Hunter on Hell difficulty. Grandmaster Hunter - Complete Act IV with a Demon Hunter on Inferno Difficulty. Disciples of the Night - Reach level 50 with 2 Demon Hunters. Death Dealer - Equipe a Cloack and Hand Crossbow at the same time.
(The rest of the DH, all of the Monk and most of the WD are not legible on the picutre on Redit.. doh! will update later)
Wizard Live the Fight Again - Complete Act IV with a Wizard on Normal difficulty. Nightmare Scenario - Complete Act IV with a Wizard on Nightmare difficulty. To Hell and Back - Complete Act IV with a Wizard on Hell difficulty. Prophecy Fulfilled - Complete Act IV with a Wizard on Inferno difficulty. Sanctum Savants - Reach level 60 with 2 Wizards. Magical Mystery Couture - Equipe a wand, source and wizard hat at the same time. Time Takes Its Toll - Slow 20 projectiles with one Slow Time. A Forcefull Rebuke - Reflect 8 Projectiles with one Wave of Force. Death's Cold Embrace - Kill 1,000 frozen enemies. A Cut Above - Cast Spectral Blad as the kill blow on the follwoing enemies. I Must Be Going - Use Teleport while at less than 5 percent of your maximum health. Armor Pated - Kepp the same Armor spell active for 20 minutes.
Challenges Light Entertainment - Kill 666 enemies with a falling chandelier. Among the Elite - Kill 200 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies. The Elitist - Kill 500 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies. Elitist Bubble - Kill 1,500 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies. Elitist Jerks - Kill 5,000 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies. Elitest Few - Kill 20,000 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies. Golden Packs - Kill 20 Treasure Goblins. Greed over Need - Kill 100 Treasure Goblins. Never Seen that Before - Kill one of the following unique enemies. Special Snowflakes - Kill 15 of the following unique enemies. A Unique Collection - Kill all of the following unique enemies. Keep it Rare - Kill 10 rare enemies of the following types. Rarin' to Go - Kill 50 rare enemies of the following types. A Rare Phenomenon - Kill a rare enemy of all the following types. The Takedown - Kill 10 champions of the following types. No So Tought Now-0 Kill 50 champions of the following types. Champion's Collections - Kill a champion of all of the following types. Attacking the Darkness - Kill 20 Shadow Verman, Gloom Wrathes, or Shade Stalkers at once. With Friends Like These - Kill 30 enemies from the death explosion of a single Grotesque, Harvester, Horror, Abomination, Bile Crawler or Spine Lasher. Imp Slapped - Knockback 5 imps at one time. Bashiok..?? - Hurt Bashiok using Rakanishu's Blade. Smash and Grab - Loot 5 chests in the Crumbling Vault. A Second to Spare - Escape the Crumbling Vault in under 90 seconds. Got Out - Escape the Crumbling Vault before it collapses. Untouchable - Kill the following enemies without taking any damage in a single player game. Pink'd - Kill the following enemies while wearing a head, shoulder, feet, leg, hand, and torso equipment colored with Lovely Dye. Savior - Save players from Death 250 times. Massive Blow - Kill 30 enemies in one attack. I'll be your Wingman - Let the follower get the killing blow on all of the following enemies. Demolition Derby - Get a destruction callout from breaking 50 objects. The Heroes New Clothes - Defeat all of the following enemies on Hell difficulty or higher without any items equipped. Punch Diablo - Punch Diablo. Sheer Lunacy - Kill 100 Fallen Lunatics before they enrage.
Challenges Act I Instant Karma - Have the Skeleton King kill 15 of his own forgotten skeletons before killing him. Don't Stand in the Fire - Kill the Butch without being burned by floor fires or being grabbed by Ancient Spear on Hell Difficulty or higher. A Brief Butchering - Kill the Butcher in under 2 minutes on Inferno difficulty. Stunning Reversal - Kill the Butcher while he is stunned by his own charge attack on Nightmare difficulty or higher. Gate Crasher - After speaking to Captain Rumford, kill all the zombies that attack in under 15 seconds during the Fallen Star quest. Cut Off the Head - Kill Head????? before killing any of the Royal Henchmen who arrive with him in Leoric's Passage. ?????? - Let Haedrig strike the killing blow on his wife Mira. ?????? - Deystroy all 4 pillars of Destiny in the Roal Crypts at once. ?????? - Deystroy 1,000 pots or baskets. ?????? - Kill the Skelleton King in under 20 seconds. ?????? - Complete the Last Stand of the Ancients event with out leaving the top of the hill. ?????? - Kill ?????, ??? and ???? in the Drowned Temple with one blow. ?????? - Free 15 prisoners in 120 seconds in the Cursed Hold. ?????? - Complete Act I in under 1 hour.
Act II Good Eye - Kill belial without getting hit by his projectille or metior attacks. Why is ???? - Kill 10 Veiled Sentinels in 30 seconds while Fighting Belial on Nightmare difficulty or higher. ????? - Kill Belial without getting hit by his fist attack. ????? - Kill Belial without getting hit by his breath attack on inferno difficulty. Hiding in Plain Sight - Disrupt both Coven illisionists in the Howling Platuea in under 4 minutes. ????? - Free all of the prisoners in ????? ????? - Kill Maghda without getting hit by her insect attack. ????? - Find the head of Zoltun Kulle within 120 seconds of entering the Forgotten Ruins. ????? - Hear everything Covenous Shets?? says before you break him out of his barrel. ????? - Kill Zoltun Kulle without killing either of his Eternal Gaudians. Hero of Caldeum - Evacuate 20 Calldeum refugees to the sewers in one game. ????? -Complete the Calldeum uprisng without taking any damage from the poison wasps. ????? - Complete Act II in under 1 hour.
Crafting Made to Order - Craft 5 items. Custom-Fit - Craft 100 items. Makers of ????? - Craft 200 artisan level 10 items. Reclaim Without Shame - Salvage the following types of items. One Heros' Trash... - Salvage each of the following crafting materials. One Warriors Trash... - Salvage each of the following crafting materials. Tap ????? - Salvage each of the following crafting materials. Resource Management - Salvage each of the following crafting materials. The Garbage Disposal - Complete the crafting achievements listed below. Recipee for Success - Complete the recipee achievements listed below. The Exalted ??? - Complete the artisan level achievements listed below. Blacksmith Mind on the Metal - Teach the Blacksmith a recipee Metal????? - Teach the Blacksmith 25 recipees. ??????? - Teach the Blacksmith 50 reciepees. ??????? - Teach the Blacksmith 75 recipees. Death Metalworking - Teach the Blacksmith 100 recipees. To the Smithy! - Acquire the Blacksmith. Steeling with Feeling - Level up the Blacksmith. Iron Hearth - Raise the Blacksmith to level 5. A Life with Meaning - Raise the Blacksmith to level 10. Return Business - Craft items that have each of the following 4 proerties. Gorging the FOrge - Craft items that have each of the following 10 properties. Swing That Bloody Hammer - Craft items that have each of the following 15 properties.
Jeweler Basic Gemology - Teach the Jeweler a design. Expert Gemology - Teach the Jeweler 3 designs. Master Gemology - Teach teh Jeweler 6 designs. Flawless Gemology - Teach the Jeweler 9 Designs. Perfect Gemology - Teach the Jeweler 12 Designs. Covetous, Covetous Shen! - Axquire the Jeweler. In the Loupe - Level up the Jeweler. I Like Jewels - Reach level 5 with your Jeweler. ]Just a Hobby - Raise the Jeweler to Level 10. Bejeweled - Combine Gems. Radiance - Craft a Radiant Gem. A Fistfull of Gems - Combine each of the following gem types. Perfect as Tears - Craft a Maximum level gem. Like Stars in the Sky - Create a maximum level gem of the following types. Just Like New - Unsocket an Item.
Just missing Act III and Act IV challenges.. will try to add them tomorrow (really bluury!)
Далее в новости, ещё несколько спойлеров и свежие фан-арты...
Система крафта рун в Diablo II была потрясающая, но у нас уже имеется формальная система крафта. Так что повтор этой системы рун будет излшним.
Я думаю, что многие фанаты Д2 не разделяют вашего мнения. Руны добавляли глубину вещам. Не дайте им умереть! Руны и рунные слова были избыточным элементом. Вы сначала поиграйте в игру, прежде говорить, что ей чего-то не хватает . Пожалуйста, сделайте руны разных цветов. Окраска подразумевает разные категории функций. А их не существует. Мы пробовали это сделать во внутреннем тесте. Люди только запутывались.
Красный туман, при низком уровне ХП, очень раздражает. Более того, он только мешает! Могу сказать то, что многие пользователи находят его полезным.
В Daiblo 2 золото было легко достать и оно было мало полезно. Не будет ли в Diablo III такой же проблемы т.к. есть валютный аукцион? Не забывайте, что "слив" золота - лишь первая половина уравнения. Шанс дропа - вторая.
На данный момент мне нравится как сейчас работает система дропа золота. Качаясь до 20/35/50 уровня мне постоянно не хватало денег на что-либо. Мне приходилось выбирать, например: на прокачку Кузнеца или покупку новых вещей и починку текущего обмундирования, и т.д.). И мне постоянно не хватало золота. А то и вовсе не было.
Вообще не могу представить себе фарм до 60 уровня, т.к. самое веселье начинается тогда, когда затраты на ремонт максимальны.
Знаете, проблемой для многих игроков это не прокачка персонажа, а конец игры. В определенный момент вы раскачаете всех ремесленников, улучшите и забьёте сундук. Останется вам только тратиться на ремонт, ну и иногда на Аукцион. А дальше то что? Тогда надо будет играть с умом. Вам необходимо зарабатывать больше золота, чем оно уходит на ремонт. Еще и камнями заниматься.
Полировка на 1,5 года? Тогда мы не знали, что наши тесты будут показать такие плохие результаты. В итоге, некоторые были либо удалены, либо переработаны, либо добавлены совершенно новые. Но я не думаю, что кто-то этому удивился. Мы проверяем, мы повторяем и уточняем, затем мы проверяем еще немного, и т.д.
+ X-XDmg мод. Это не ошибка. Аффикс к + повреждению идёт к урону оружия. Если оружие первоначально имело 2-4 повреждения, и у вас аффикс с +2 к максимальному урону, то ваше оружие изменится на 2-6.
Те гигантские числа DPS показывают предполагаемое повреждение после того, как все аффиксы объединятся в вещи.
Наш сайт не будет обновляться до тех пор, пока игра не выйдет, и даже тогда каждая вещь имеет уникальные характеристики.
Предоставление медиа-контента на сайте Diablo III Большинство из лучших обновлений на нашем сайте были созданы вами! Фан-арт, скриншоты, обои. Это все прислали игроки и мы хотим поблагодарить вас за ваш замечательный вклад.
Некоторые части, что мы публикуем на нашем сайте, часто показываются в течение нескольких лет. Иногда дольше! Мы даже показываем ваши работы на BlizzCon и в музейных экспонатов вместе с нашими собственными творениями. Будь вы давним участником или это в первый раз, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь представить свои арт работы или комиксы. Хотя мы не можем опубликовать всё то, что мы получили, но мы всегда ищем возможность поделиться своими творениями с остальным обществом.
Чтобы найти наши контакты, перейдите к разделу сообщества, прокрутите вниз, и вы увидите необходимые вам ссылки по каждой категории.
Жанр: ARPG Разработчик: Blizzard Entertainment Дата выхода:
25 марта 2014 г. Издатель:
Activision Blizzard - в России: 1С-СофтКлаб - дата выхода:
15 апреля 2014 г. Локализация: полная
Жанр: ARPG Разработчик: Blizzard Entertainment Дата выхода:
15 мая 2012 г. Издатель:
Activision Blizzard - в России: 1С-СофтКлаб - дата выхода:
7 июня 2012 г. Локализация: полная